Sunday 30 December 2012

December Lush Haul

So yesterday I went to Westfield Miranda with my friend, Sabrina, and managed to spend 25 bucks at Lush. I do not regret my purchases just so you know.
I managed to make Sabrina spend around 20 bucks too.

If you're wondering, Lush Miranda still has a lot of discontinued items/Christmas stock/Halloween stock to sell and their service is great so if you pop in, they're pretty helpful.

So here's the haul:
Bûche de Noël cleanser, Imogen Rose Gorilla Perfume atomiser, Captain Bubblebeard reusable bubble bar, Jungle solid conditioner, Candy Mountain bubble bar

Not a lot, but I'm calling five items a haul.

I tried the Bûche de Noël cleanser and it feels great. At first, the smell kind of reminded me of the cranberry-flavoured medicine I had to take because I was either vomitting or had a sore throat. 
But when you smell it more, it doesn't all smell like that. It does indeed have cranberries in it, but it also has ground almonds. 
It helps a lot if you have oily skin, but it works for any skin type just to keep it hydrated and soft. 
The Imogen Rose perfume atomiser was pretty light at first, something my mum was looking for, and I think I got it mixed with Orange Blossom, which is a bit more sweeter. It does smell strongly of roses, when I say strongly - I mean strongly. I don't think my mum will be using it as much, but it's nevertheless a nice smell. If you plan to buy a perfume from Lush make sure you have multiple arms to try it on. 
I bought Captain Bubblebeard because I really really wanted it and Candy Mountain smells absolutely divine. Reminded me a lot of Snow Fairy,same kind of smell - lollies. 
My mum bought the Jungle solid conditioner after seeing it in Sabrina's bag of goods. We coloured our hair a lot and now it's kind of dry, so we're hoping the solid conditioner will make it look a bit better. Thinking to pair it with my Godiva 2-in-1 shampoo bar that I got when I won a competition which resulted me in getting the Shower Power gift set, which I haven't told you about yet. Oops. 

I should be using one of my numerous ballistics/bubble bars on New Years Eve/New Years Day and I shall tell you how that goes. 

See you in a few days because I will definitely post on NYE! Yay! 
- Yasmin x

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